Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Well, today was the first day of publication of our brand-spanking-new school student newsletter EmVILLE EXPRESS – and it sold out 10 minutes into lunchtime!!!

The Magazine Committee and I had been working for the last 2 weeks to put together this first edition of what we thought would be a monthly newsletter, full of stories written by the students, ads for and by the students and teachers, photos, student poems, and a month-ahead calendar. We’ve got a committee of about 15 girls, all of whom have contributed something to this month’s edition – and they were just so excited to see it put together – and girls were racing to get their copies at recess and lunch today! Even with a price hike from 20 toea to 50 toea (we had to use the expensive photocopier as the fast one doesn’t print A3 – bummer!!!) girls were queuing up to get copies, and were excitedly reading about the first firehouse, and the new prefects, and interviews with 2 of the new teachers etc etc. And we already had requests from 2 of the teachers about possible articles for the next issue, even before they’d seen the first one!

A very successful first venture into the world of publishing – just wish I could add it as an attachment to this blogsite, because I’m pretty proud of it too!


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