Saturday, November 12, 2005

Chubb comes through

Bloody good on AVI's insurance company, which quelled the minor heart attack I had on Friday, after learning that I had to have root canal therapy, right now, for a price that could have seen me all the way to Sydney and back. Friday night, still drooling and beginning to lose the numbness that had been holding back a new barrage of pain, got the call from Customer Care that let me know I wasn't going to have to sell off all my possessions to pay for the treatment I'd begun that morning - it would all be covered by AVI's medical insurance, and they'd sent a note to the lovely Dr Mills assuring him he would be paid.

Almost enough to get me reciting a Hail Mary in thanks and deference! Now if she could just do something about the 'residual discomfort'...


At 5:56 pm, Blogger Naaaaath said...

Argh! Nasty! My last job was in a dental hospital for a few years - it's a nastily expensive business...

Yay Chubb. I've been here 4 weeks, and just made the first claim for eye infection expenses... all sorted apparently. Customer care has called me every day since the left eye swelled right over and I lost vision... excellent service.


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